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A July Journal

Pull up a chair, pour a cool drink, and take a deep breath. It’s July, and the garden is in full swing.

As I step outside, the warm air envelops me, and the symphony of buzzing insects and chirping birds serenades my senses. July in the garden is a whirlwind of activity – a constant dance between my own efforts and the relentless forces of nature. Some days, I feel like throwing in the trowel, ready to mow the whole place down or turn it under with a bulldozer. But then, just when I’m about to give up, a new potato surfaces or a lonely tomato finally ripens, and I’m reminded of the rewards that lie ahead.

As Margaret Roach from A Way to Garden eloquently puts it, “Often as July begins—especially if it does so with a heatwave—I want to throw in the trowel, mow the whole place down or turn it under. Think bulldozer.” I know the feeling all too well. The relentless weeds, the pesky pests, and the ever-drying soil can make even the most seasoned gardener want to throw in the towel. But we mustn’t give up, for the payoff is just around the corner.

Throughout the month, I find myself engaged in a constant internal dialogue, urging the soil to stay moist, the weeds to cease their endless spread, and the vegetables to ripen to perfection. It’s a battle of wills, but one that I’m determined to win. After all, the rewards of a bountiful harvest and the sheer joy of tending to a thriving garden are worth the effort.

Staying Vigilant

As the calendar flips to July, the garden demands my unwavering attention. I make it a point to conduct a weekly walkthrough, surveying each bed and taking stock of the progress, the problems, and the potential.

Lakeland Yard and Garden offers the sage advice to “make a pass through each garden bed each week since weeds are not just unsightly but steal moisture, nutrients, and light.” This constant vigilance is key to keeping the garden in check. I arm myself with a sharp hoe, a keen eye, and a relentless determination to stay one step ahead of the weeds.

But it’s not just the weeds that demand my attention. The garden is a complex ecosystem, teeming with both friend and foe. I’ve learned to identify the troublemakers – the Japanese beetles, the squash bugs, the tomato hornworms – and I wage a daily war against them, plucking them off by hand and depositing them in a soapy demise.

As the renowned gardener Monty Don advises, “Get to know your garden insects—good, bad, ugly—can help you be a better gardener.” It’s a lesson I’ve taken to heart, constantly observing and learning, so that I can better manage the delicate balance of my little plot of earth.

Watering Wisely

One of the most critical tasks in July is ensuring the garden receives the moisture it craves. I keep a vigilant eye on the rain gauge, and when the heavens fail to provide, I take matters into my own hands.

But as Margaret Roach cautions, “Check your rain gauge to see if the heavens provided it. Soak beds deeply in the root zone, but don’t spritz with a sprayer now and again like you’re washing the car.” Overwatering can be just as damaging as underwatering, so I carefully monitor the soil moisture and apply water judiciously, ensuring it reaches the roots where it’s needed most.

The containers and hanging baskets are especially thirsty this time of year, requiring my diligent attention. A quick once-over in the morning and evening is often necessary to keep them from wilting in the summer heat. And don’t forget to give the trees and shrubs a deep, slow soak if the rains are scarce – their wellbeing is crucial for the long-term health of the entire garden.

Tackling Pests and Diseases

As the garden bursts with life, it also attracts a host of unwelcome visitors. The Japanese beetles have made their annual appearance, and I greet them with a steely determination, plucking them off by hand and drowning them in a soapy solution.

Margaret Roach reminds me that “we can’t eliminate them, we have to manage them once they resume activity around July 4 in my zone.” And so, I remain vigilant, making daily rounds to ensure these voracious pests don’t get the upper hand.

But the Japanese beetles are just the beginning. Squash bugs, tomato hornworms, and imported cabbage worms all vie for my attention, and I respond with the same ruthless efficiency, handpicking them off and dispatching them without mercy. As Monty Don advises, “Learn to identify your opponents and the tactics and timing for best control. You cannot outsmart a plant whose life cycle you do not understand.”

And it’s not just the pests I must contend with – diseases can also rear their ugly heads. I keep a watchful eye for any signs of trouble, from spots on leaves to disfigured fruit, and I’m quick to address the issue before it spirals out of control. If necessary, I’ll even send a soil sample to the local cooperative extension for analysis, to ensure I’m addressing the root cause, no pun intended.

Succession Planting and Fall Prep

As I survey the garden, I can’t help but feel a sense of excitement for the months ahead. While the summer bounty is in full swing, I’m already planning for the fall – sowing seeds for a second round of vegetables and herbs, and preparing the beds for their next incarnation.

Margaret Roach reminds me that “even up north, there is so much vegetable- and herb-harvest potential ahead. Plan a prolific fall garden by starting with this how-to, which includes tips for dealing with hot, dry soil and making a succession-sowing calendar.”

And so, I dutifully make my plans, carefully selecting the varieties and timing them for maximum harvest. Carrots, beets, radishes, lettuce, dill, basil – the possibilities are endless, and I relish the thought of extending the growing season well into the autumn.

But I don’t stop there. I’m also taking steps to prepare the beds for their next occupants, layering cardboard or newspaper over unwanted grass and weeds, and topping it all off with a fresh layer of mulch. It’s a bit of work upfront, but I know it will pay dividends in the months to come, making the fall planting a breeze.

Embracing the Chaos

As I step back and survey the garden, I can’t help but marvel at the sheer abundance of life that surrounds me. The towering sunflowers, the vibrant zinnias, the lush foliage of the ornamental grasses – it’s a symphony of color and texture that feeds my soul.

Sure, there are challenges to overcome – the weeds that seem to multiply overnight, the pests that threaten to devour my hard-earned crops, the ever-present need to water and maintain. But in the grand scheme of things, these are merely obstacles to be overcome, not insurmountable barriers.

Today’s Gardens, the company whose website this article graces, is all about embracing the chaos and complexity of the natural world. They understand that a garden is not a sterile, manicured landscape, but a living, breathing ecosystem that ebbs and flows with the seasons.

And so, as I look out over my little plot of earth, I take a deep breath and dive back in, ready to face the challenges of July head-on. I may get a bit dirty, a bit weary, a bit frustrated at times. But in the end, the rewards of a thriving, vibrant garden will make it all worthwhile.

So, let’s roll up our sleeves, grab our tools, and get to work. July is here, and the garden is waiting.

Today’s Garden is Garden and Landscape Company, provides all you need about Garden and Landscape Design to get better garden decorations.

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