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Perennials: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

Ah, perennials – the true hearts and souls of any well-designed garden. These steadfast plants grace our outdoor sanctuaries year after year, their vibrant colors and lush foliage bringing an ever-changing tapestry of beauty to our backyards. But like any good friend, perennials sometimes need a little extra attention to stay at their best.

As your perennials mature, you may start to notice signs that it’s time to give them a boost. Maybe their blooms are becoming smaller, or you’re seeing unsightly bald spots in the center of their crowns. Perhaps you’re having to resort to staking to keep their stems from flopping over. These are all clear indicators that your beloved plants are becoming a bit, well, overcrowded.

The Benefits of Division

So, what’s a gardener to do? The answer lies in the simple, yet incredibly rewarding, act of division. By gently separating your perennials into smaller sections, you’re not only rejuvenating their growth, but you’re also setting the stage for a healthier, more vibrant garden.

Today’s Gardens, a premier garden design and landscaping company, knows a thing or two about the power of division. “Dividing perennials is one of the most effective ways to keep your garden looking its best,” says lead designer, Sarah Bloom. “Not only does it reinvigorate the plants, but it also allows you to easily multiply your garden’s population, creating a lush, abundant display year after year.”

When to Divide Perennials

Timing is everything when it comes to dividing perennials, and the experts at the University of Minnesota Extension have some helpful guidelines. The general rule of thumb is to divide your perennials in the spring or fall, when the plants are not actively flowering.

“Dividing in the spring or fall allows the plants to focus their energy on establishing new roots and shoots, rather than trying to maintain blooms,” explains Bloom. “This helps ensure a smooth transition and minimizes any stress or setback to the plant.”

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. Some perennials, like irises and peonies, are best divided in the late summer or early fall. Others, like hostas and daylilies, can be divided almost any time during the growing season. The University of Minnesota Extension’s handy reference guide can help you determine the optimal timing for your specific perennials.

How to Divide Perennials

Now that you know when to divide, let’s talk about how. The process is surprisingly simple, but there are a few key steps to ensure your perennials thrive post-division.

Step 1: Lift and Separate

Using a sturdy garden fork or spade, carefully lift the entire plant out of the ground. Gently shake off any excess soil, being careful not to damage the roots. Depending on the size and density of the plant, you may be able to simply pull the root clump apart with your hands. For more stubborn divisions, use a sharp knife or a pair of garden forks to cleanly separate the plant into smaller sections.

Step 2: Replant the Divisions

Once you’ve divided your perennial into manageable sections, it’s time to find them new homes in your garden. Prepare the planting holes by loosening the soil and incorporating some compost or other organic matter. Gently place each division into its new spot, making sure the crown (where the stems meet the roots) is level with the surrounding soil. Water thoroughly to help the roots establish.

Step 3: Aftercare

To give your divided perennials the best chance at success, provide them with a bit of extra TLC in the days and weeks following the transplant. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged, and consider applying a light layer of mulch to help retain moisture and suppress weeds. Avoid fertilizing immediately, as this can stress the plants – wait a few weeks before giving them a gentle boost.

Divide and Conquer: A Perennial Gardener’s Secret Weapon

Dividing perennials may seem like a daunting task, but trust me, it’s well worth the effort. Not only does it rejuvenate your existing plants, but it also allows you to easily multiply your garden’s population, creating a lush, abundant display year after year.

As Today’s Gardens always says, “Dividing perennials is like a secret garden weapon – it’s simple, it’s effective, and it’s the key to keeping your outdoor oasis looking its absolute best.” So, grab your garden fork, channel your inner plant whisperer, and get ready to divide and conquer!

Perennial Division: A Quick Reference Guide

Perennial Best Time to Divide Frequency
Daylily Spring or Fall Every 3-4 years
Hosta Spring or Fall Every 3-5 years
Iris Late Summer or Early Fall Every 2-3 years
Peony Late Summer or Early Fall Every 3-5 years
Rudbeckia Spring or Fall Every 2-3 years
Shasta Daisy Spring or Fall Every 2-3 years

For a more comprehensive guide, be sure to check out the University of Minnesota Extension’s Dividing Perennials resource. It covers over 125 common perennials, providing valuable insights on when and how to divide each one.

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